Occupational Therapy
Our dynamic Occupational Therapists focus on a child’s ability to play, perform in school, use their hands/bodies in a coordinated manner, interpret sensory information, and engage in perceptual/visual motor tasks.
Big Minds, Tiny Hands’ Occupational Therapists hold master’s degrees, have advanced training certificates and/or have years of experience working with children. They utilize Sensory Integration, Interactive Metronome, Neurodevelopmental treatment, play, parent education, and behavioral interventions to make progress possible. Their expertise guide them in maximizing a child’s performance in the following areas:
- Fine motor deficits (hand functioning)
- Visual motor and perceptual motor deficits
- Sensory integration difficulties
- Handwriting remediation
- Emotional adjustment
- Peer relationships
- Play skills
- School related tasks
- Feeding / eating tolerance
- Gross motor deficits (total body coordination)
- Motor control
- Self-Care Skills
- Attention to task
How do I know my child needs Occupational Therapy for Children?
The following concerns often identify the need for OT:
- Avoidance of or difficulty in social situations
- Difficulty at children’s birthday parties
- Avoidance / limited interest in coloring, writing, etc.
- Lack of confidence in oneself
- Being a “picky eater”
- Difficulty dressing oneself
- Difficulty with writing skills
- Being a “daredevil” in the playground
- Difficulty using a pencil or scissor
- Difficulty copying from the blackboard
- Limited play skills
- Avoiding constructional toys (i.e., Lego’s, blocks, puzzles)
- Difficulty manipulating small objects (i.e., buttons, zippers)
- Difficulty with age-appropriate sports
- Difficulty with ball skills
- Avoidance of Playground equipment
Please note: If you have said “yes” to at least one of the above items your child would likely benefit from OT.